
Lost Pet Search Techniques

Resources to find your lost pet:

More Cat Tips:

From Bill Bradley, a gentleman who searched for his cat and found her after many weeks.

I lost my wonderful little cat ‘P’ aka, ‘Peapod’ in a blistering July heat wave for over a month. After weeks of caring sightings a wonderful women called me and told me my cat was on her deck visiting her two indoor cats.  I rushed over and began my CIA investigation and interrogation.

She affirmed, it was my cat that had been visiting.  I set up a trap with her blanket, favorite foods and the next day she was in the trap!  Here are some of the techniques and tips to help you find your companion.  You can find them and bring them home!

  • Cats tend to stay within about a five to ten block area from where they left.  Many cats stay within 5 or 6 houses.  They are close but scared and confused, so they can’t find their way home.
  • Your cat will probably NOT come to you.  He/she is very scared.  You will most likely need to use a humane trap.  Humane Socities/Animal Shelters and even spay/neuter clinics have them for a small fee or no charge.   We have had cases where a 13 year old cat would not come to her owner, even though the owner was only 5 feet away.  Once trapped and reintegrated into the home, the kitty was fine.
  • Establish a mental image of that area as a grid and begin to search that grid and them repeat.
  • Print flyers with photo and some details, as breed, color, age, size, and location lost from, etc. and contact phone number.
  • Deliver flyers to all area Veterinarians, pet supply stores, neighborhood workers, postal workers, utlitity workers, firemen, policemen, landscapers, crossing guards, construction workers, and neighbhood kids (kids seem to see everything and like to help!).  Place on the flyers on telephone poles, coffee shop bulletin boards, and store windows.
  • Contact animals control officers at local city hall or police stations.
  • Visit area animal shelters, rescue organizations, Humane Society in person.  Remember, your pet could turn up months later.
  • After the Amber Alert started for children in 1996, and were created from that model.  The companies offer varying tiers of service, for fees, i.e. Fax posters,  to local veteriarians and animal shelters, plus the instant phone calls.  Petamberalert claims, 85% success rate.  Fee starts at $59.95, Mylostdoggie was less.
  • Microchip, plus offers digital ID with a QR code. Anyone with a smartphone can scan the tag and contact you.
  • For a small fee that Robo call services will send out pleasant announcements regarding you lost animals to all homes in the area.
  • Use Facebook and ask people to repost.  For the Love of Louie has a lost pets page and will share with others.
  • Post in the local newspaper.  Seniors tend to still read local papers and they are out in their yards, etc.  Some will run the notice in their ‘lost animals’ category for free.
  • Create a local system and then constantly hit the ground.  At the end of the day, the owner has to keep up the pressure and search, it’s on them.

Bill Bradley