Spay-tacular 2024 AAAR Website Banner


BARC (Branch Area Rescue Coalition) Coldwater, MI

BARC low cost spay/neuter is open to anyone from anywhere to get get their dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, strays, feral or barn cats fixed.

We offer two excellent clinics:  HOPE for Animals in Ft. Wayne, IN – a once a month transport from Coldwater, MI. to Ft. Wayne, IN., and Fieldstone Vet Care in Jonesville, MI.  Please DO NOT contact these clinics as they will tell you to contact BARC for information. 

BARC can be reached by phoning 517-227-7288, Message us on Facebook, or our website


SNiP Now (Spay-Neuter is Prevention), Coldwater-Quincy, Michigan

Coverage: Branch County, Jackson County, Hillsdale County and St. Joseph County (Sturgis area)

SNiP Now is a low cost feline spay/neuter program open to anyone from any county and is for all cats including pets, strays, ferals, and barn felines.   We also have expertise in TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) and feral cat management.   

SNiP Now offers a low cost spay/neuter voucher program in partnership with Fieldstone Veterinary Care,  Jonesville, Michigan.  To receive a discount voucher, please contact SNiP Now directly at (517) 279-8337 or (517) 398-4177, message us on Facebook, or email us at   SNiP Now volunteers also utilize and transport cats to Eaton County Humane Society’s low cost spay/neuter program.

SNiP Now Facebook page link: