
TNR Wish List

Trap Neuter Return Wish List

Helping free roaming kitties takes a lot of time and effort. We appreciate your support and donations of the following:

•Canned cat food

•Premium dry cat food. Kitten food is best.

•Dog houses or igloos

• Large towels or Sheets (to cover the traps and reduce stress)

•Canned sardines or tuna (to help attract cats)

•Shelter building supplies

Shelter Building Supplies:

•Large styrofoam cooler boxes – Just like fish shipment boxes or used for medicines to be shipped to hospitals. Check with your large chain pet shops, grocery stores, veterinary hospitals and human hospitals with labs.  Interior measurements of coolers should be a minimum of 15 inches long x 15 inches wide and 14 inches high and 2 inches or more thick. The bigger and thicker the better! A 15x15x14 size cooler would fit one cat. If interior dimensions or thickness are less than stated above, please contact us at and we can evaluate usefulness. Thank you!

• In lieu of Styrofoam coolers, heavy duty plastic storage tubs: two heavy duty storage bins that fit inside of each other with plenty of room for insulation between the two (on all sides and the top). Smaller of the two should be at least an 18 gallon. Outer container preferably should be Rubbermaid – won’t crack in cold weather.

In lieu of Styrofoam coolers, Foam Board Insulation with R-10 value; 2 inch by 4 feet by 8 feet. Found at Lowe’s and Home Depot.

• Straw (not hay. Dry straw that hasn’t been wet before). Found at tractor supply stores, feed stores, some nurseries.

Reflectix mylar insulation – Found at Lowe’s/Home Depot in the insulation department. ($19.97)


Financial Donations:

Consider making a financial donation. Please click below to donate.

Donate Now Click Here





or mail your check or money order to:

All About Animals Rescue

23451 Pinewood Street

Warren, MI 48091


Legal Designation: All About Animals Rescue, a nonprofit charitable corporation organized under the laws of the State of Michigan, with the business address of 23451 Pinewood St., Warren, MI 48091 

Tax ID: Our tax identification # is 20-3006686

Date of Incorporation: September 30, 2005.  All About Animals Rescue is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


How Else Can I Help?

We need help in the following areas:

•Transport of the cats before and after surgery


•Building shelters for outside cats

•Food donations

•Towels/sheets to cover traps

•Mentoring others

•Recovery – keeping the cats for a few days while they recover

•Cutting up sheets and sewing them to make trap covers

•Rotating days with a care taker to feed a colony


Please email us at if you are interested in any or all of these volunteer opportunities!