
All About Our Anesthesia


All spay and neuter surgeries are performed by licensed veterinarians who follow the Spay/Neuter Medical Care Guidelines developed in 2008 and updated in 2016 by the Association of Shelter Veterinarians’ Veterinary Task Force to Advance Spay/Neuter. This is the gold standard for spay/neuter protocols. In addition to being licensed veterinarians, doctors at our clinic have gone through surgical training at the leading spay/neuter clinic in the country; ASPCA® Spay/Neuter Alliance. All About Animals’ veterinarians are spay/neuter experts and specialize in pediatric spay/neuter; safely fixing pets 8 weeks old, weighing 2 lbs. or more.

Our medical standards include removing the uterus and ovaries, pain management, pre-medication and inhalant anesthesia. All our surgery instruments are cleaned and autoclaved (heat sterilized) freshly for every patient.

Spay and neuter is what we do best! Please be assured that your pet is in professional, loving and safe hands while with us. Come take a tour if you want!

Please make your pet’s spay/neuter appointment today – call us at 1-888-577-2943 for more information or to make an appointment.